Thursday, December 26, 2019
Display Todays Date on Your Website
Server-side PHP scripting gives web developers the ability to add features that change to their websites. They can use it to generate dynamic page content, collect form data, send and receive cookies and display the current date. This code only works on pages where PHP is enabled, which means the code displays a date on pages that end in .php. You can name your ​HTML page with a .php extension or other extensions set up on your server to run PHP. Example PHP Code for Todays Date Using PHP, you can display the current date on your website using a single line of PHP code. Heres How It Works Inside an HTML file, somewhere in the body of the HTML, the script starts by opening the PHP code with the symbol.Next, the code uses the print( ) function to send the date it is about to generate to the browser.The date function is then used to generate the current days date.Finally, the PHP script is closed using the ? symbols.The code returns to the body of the HTML file. About That Funny-Looking Date Format PHP uses formatting options to format date output. The lower case Lâ€â€or lâ€â€represents the day of the week Sunday through Saturday. F calls for a textual representation of a month such as January. The day of the month is indicated by d, and Y is the representation for a year, such as 2017. Other formatting parameters can be seen at the PHP website.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Film Review Django Unchained - 997 Words
â€Å"Django Unchained†, a film written in a directed by Quentin Tarantino, is a film that represents race, gender and sexuality in many ways throughout the movie. to start I want to begin with the films representation of race and ethnicity since the entire movie is about slavery. Aside from the twisted humor that is often found within Tarantino’s movies, Django Unchained provides a dark and gloomy reality for African Americans during the year 1858. during this time slavery in the south would be at its peak, because this would be two years prior to the Civil War. The opening scene is very clearly taking place in a southern state and we meet our main character of the movie, Django. He is an African American slave in His thirties, being transported by two white men along with other slaves. Later in the film, its understood that these African American men had just been sold at an auction. From the very beginning of the film there is a strong representation of African Americans and a vivid but brutal picture of what one particular race went through for such a long period of time. Along with this representation, Tarantino leaves examples of racial separation throughout the film. For starters, once Django has been freed by a white man by the name of Dr. King Schultz from the slavers, He gives much astonishment to the town folk in which the following scene takes place. Django is shown riding on horseback accompanied by Dr Schultz, and as he is riding there are many cut away shots toShow MoreRelatedThe Review By Rodrigo Perez Of Quentin Terentino s Django Unchained1159 Words  | 5 PagesThe review written by Rodrigo Perez of Quentin Terentino’s Django Unchained, is excellent and very well written. However, the review makes a mockery of one of Terentino’s best films. Quentin Terentino is a popular film maker. He has made films including: Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, Hateful 8, Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs, and many more. Django Unchained is about a slave named Django who is purchased by bounty hunter, Dr. Shultz. Dr. Shultz takes Django under his wing to help him along the way. InRead MoreDjango Untrained Analysis1525 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is the historical significance of Tarantino’s Django Unchained? Racism has been a prevalent issue throughout the history of the United States. From the introduction of slaves to the â€Å"New World†in the 17th century to the killing of innocent black individuals by police officers today, racism has defined this country. Director Quentin Tarantino, in his spaghetti western film Django: Unchained, addressed this issue. The film features a black slave who is freed at and sets out on a revenge missionRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie I Like The Way You Die 1964 Words  | 8 Pageslike the way you die, boy†Django said to Big John Brittle as John is shot to death by Django, an African-American free slave. That scene felt very satisfying especially since Big John Brittle was about to whip a little poor slave girl. Hitler in Inglourious Basterds was killed by a Jewish solider who got the opportunity to shoot Hitler multiple times in the torso and face; this Jewish solider had a look of vengeance in his eyes as he shot him. Notice how bot h these films have a feel good story aboutRead MoreIs the Movie Twelve Years a Slave a Good Movie of Its Genre? Essay1273 Words  | 6 PagesThe film industry has been showing many different aspects of the world we are living in. It shows fantasy, comedy, action, sport and many other genres that exhibit the needs of human entertainment. Some of these movies are only created and adapted by pure imagination of the film and script writers, while other movies are based on true stories with some adaptation by the script and/or film writer on the events happening in the film story, yet they are considered and said to be based on true storiesRead MoreThe Effects of Violence in the Media2052 Words  | 8 Pagesup around all of us. There are many people that would argue violence should not be in films or television shows as it is not entertaining and not something that can be taken seriously in the entertainment industry. The fact is, in spite of backlash, violence draws society in. One prime example would be the popular, but controversial film based on race, slavery, and violence: Django Unchained. Django Unchained earned many awards and drew in over $30 million during the first weekend of the film’sRead MoreEssay on Tarantino: Genius or Violence-Obsessed?2362 Words  | 10 PagesWhat if he lied on his rà ©sumà © to ‘compensate for his lack of experience in the film industry’, would you hire him? He gathered all of his knowledge while working at The Manhattan Beach Video Archives. There, he was able to work on some of his earlier scripts such as, True Romance (1993), and Natural Born Killers (1994). Looking to direct his first movie, he was able to get ahold of distribution company, Miramax Films, with Lawrence Bender set in place for production, who was able to secure funding
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Single free essay sample
In my English V Honors class, we are studying world literature. My teacher showed us a TedTalk podcast to help introduce the curriculum and to help us expand our knowledge of other cultures. Native born Nigerian Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was the said speaker in the TedTalk shown to us in class. Chimamanda tells of the books she read as child, mostly consisting of British and American children’s books. When Chimamanda started to write stories, they were almost identical to the books she had read. Chimamanda would include in her books caucasian children who ate apples and played in the snow because that is what she thought she could only write about. After discovering African literature, she realized literature did not have to include foreigners, but it could include things she knew and people similar to her. This helped her from having a single story on literature. Having a single story like this can lead to stereotypes, which can lead to an incomplete story. We will write a custom essay sample on Single or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After hearing the podcast and learning more of her story, I realized I was guilty of having a single story on people and places I have never even met or been to before. Having this realization inspired me to erase any and all single stories I may have. Having a single story of others has encouraged me to learn in depth about people and different cultures instead of having the single story of a person or culture. For example, I used to think all Hispanic cultures were the same. I thought they ate the same food, celebrated the same holidays, and had the same traditions. I happened to be one hundred percent wrong; I realized how incorrect I was through my dear friend Kim. She is Peruvian and taught me so much about her culture and how every culture was very different from each other. Since our friendship began, I have celebrated Peru’s independence day with her and her family and enjoy the delicious, traditional meals of Peru. I also became involved in an Afro-Peruvian dance gro up, and we performed at Que Pasa Fest in October. Through this experience, I have been able to learn more about the Peruvian culture and their traditions, and how different aspects of their culture is blended with other cultures around the world. By connecting myself with the Peruvian culture, my beliefs of the Hispanic culture have been altered. I am no longer narrow minded and have allowed myself to be open to new cultures and the Hispanic community to better inform myself. have also been immersing myself into the many cultures of New Orleans. Already this year, I have participated in service projects with French National Honors Society, which has helped me learn about the French influence in New Orleans. I have learned New Orleans consists of many cultures besides French; New Orleans consists of Spanish, French, and English influences, which makes the city a true melting pot of cultures.The TedTalk I saw changed who I am as a person because I do not just listen to single stories anymore, but instead, I look into the story and see who the people really are. Chimamandas story has helped me come to the realization of how there is an abundance of cultures and people to learn about, and if we have a single story about those cultures or people then we would not be able to fully understand and learn.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The cultural context and ethics of prevention of drug abuse
Prevention of drug abuse is a critical provision among the youths and minority groups. There are prevention techniques outlined in the suggested article that can be related perfectly to the subject of culture and prevention covered in the text. Youths and other vulnerable communities have been victims to drug abuse and other related vices. Consequently, formulating viable prevention techniques as outlined in the stated document is critical.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The cultural context and ethics of prevention of drug abuse specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first prevention strategy outlined in the document is the involvement of young people (youths) in all levels of the prevention program establishment. This is a considerable provision since it allows the concerned stakeholders to design their preferred remedial program for an effective battle against drug abuse and addiction (United Nations, 2004 ). It is important to hear from the concerned stakeholders on how they would like to be handled in the entire matter. Young individuals should be involved in the entire prevention program development starting from the concept formulation right to the implementation and evaluation of the entire program’s success. Culturally, this helps in knowing the best approach to give to various challenges facing youths and the concerned minority groups. It is important to consider such provisions in the entire disciplinary contexts. While relating this provision to the aspects of culture and prevention issues discussed in the text, several issues emerge on critical grounds. Culturally, youth need to have their participation and opinions considered in the programs that concern their welfares. They have a lot to reveal that can help the program developers to succeed in their fight against drug abuse and addiction amongst the youth and other vulnerable communities. Considering and understand ing the cultures of a given community can help in formulating viable prevention programs helpful in eradicating the alleged drug abuse with some success. Integrating the aspects of culture in the prevention program can equally enhance the materialization of the entire obligations. This helps in relating this prevention technique to the aspects of culture and prevention provisions discussed in the text. Another technique is to define the need of the youths and minority groups through research (United Nations, 2004). Understanding the needs of these individuals can actually enhance the vitality of the proposed and established programs. Additionally, the program will be able to address the exact needs of the concerned stakeholders. It is imperative to base all drug prevention programs on investigated evidence in order to make informed decisions regarding the matter.Advertising Looking for case study on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OF F Learn More Collection of facts on which prevention strategies had succeeded before and those ones that failed is crucial in this context. This is a critical provision in various occasions since it provides the mentioned groups with viable prevention programs helpful in eradication the aspect of drug abuse and addiction. Evidently, incorporating the youth and minority groups in formulating and executing the proposed research and prevention program forms an imperative part of getting a balanced picture of the concerned predicament. Conclusively, working collaboratively with the youth and other stakeholders is an important provision in this context. Concurrently, it is crucial to relate this technique with the subject of culture and prevention covered in the text. Cultural provisions demand the participation of youths and other stakeholders in the issues that affect them. In fact culture appreciates youth involvement on such issues. This will obviously enhance the success of the proposed prevention program. Another technique is the development of activity-oriented programs meant to engage youths and the minority groups (United Nations, 2004). Evidently, boredom and lack of relevant activities (what to do) can contribute to the widespread of drug abuse and addiction. Hence, designing programs that will address such issues is critical in managing the problem. Youths need constructive alternatives differing from what they are used to do in order to curb the aspects of drug abuse. Providing them with viable activities that would enhance their growth intellectually, spiritually, economically, and physically can be highly appreciated (Hogan, 2003). It is crucial to enhance these provisions in various contexts in order to engage the youths and other idle individuals into constructive activities. This technique is important when considered critically. When associating it with the culture and prevention subjects covered in the text, several factors emerge. Cult urally, it is important to engage youth into activities that will enhance their growth as future responsible adults and leaders. Adhering to this provision is an important phenomenon in this context. It is crucial to agree that these strategies are effective means of working with cultural issues and drug prevention programs. Firstly, their provisions and moral mandates ensure that the concerned groups remain focused and resistive to drug abuse and addiction. These strategies ensure that youths and other vulnerable groups are engaged in other alternative and constructive activities to help them grow as potential and responsible people in the society (Peele Alexander, 2012). Thus, these strategies promote cultural issues and drug prevention programs.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The cultural context and ethics of prevention of drug abuse specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ethical concerns The ethical issues encountered in these techniques are numerous. Firstly, they engage the minds of the youth hence barring them from indulging into prohibited activities. Additionally, these practices harm nobody in various contexts. Instead, they promote morality, reduce crime, and uphold virtues among youths and minority groups. Ethical issues have been effectively handled through viable mechanisms meant to uphold virtues among the concerned communities. References Hogan, J. (2003). Substance abuse prevention: The intersection of science and practice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Peele, S. Alexander, B. (2012).The Meaning of Addiction. Retrieved from United Nations. (2004). Drug abuse prevention among youth from ethnic and indigenous minorities. Retrieved from This case study on The cultural context and ethics of prevention of drug abuse was written and submitted by user Kailey Decker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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