Thursday, December 26, 2019
Display Todays Date on Your Website
Server-side PHP scripting gives web developers the ability to add features that change to their websites. They can use it to generate dynamic page content, collect form data, send and receive cookies and display the current date. This code only works on pages where PHP is enabled, which means the code displays a date on pages that end in .php. You can name your ​HTML page with a .php extension or other extensions set up on your server to run PHP. Example PHP Code for Todays Date Using PHP, you can display the current date on your website using a single line of PHP code. Heres How It Works Inside an HTML file, somewhere in the body of the HTML, the script starts by opening the PHP code with the symbol.Next, the code uses the print( ) function to send the date it is about to generate to the browser.The date function is then used to generate the current days date.Finally, the PHP script is closed using the ? symbols.The code returns to the body of the HTML file. About That Funny-Looking Date Format PHP uses formatting options to format date output. The lower case Lâ€â€or lâ€â€represents the day of the week Sunday through Saturday. F calls for a textual representation of a month such as January. The day of the month is indicated by d, and Y is the representation for a year, such as 2017. Other formatting parameters can be seen at the PHP website.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Film Review Django Unchained - 997 Words
â€Å"Django Unchained†, a film written in a directed by Quentin Tarantino, is a film that represents race, gender and sexuality in many ways throughout the movie. to start I want to begin with the films representation of race and ethnicity since the entire movie is about slavery. Aside from the twisted humor that is often found within Tarantino’s movies, Django Unchained provides a dark and gloomy reality for African Americans during the year 1858. during this time slavery in the south would be at its peak, because this would be two years prior to the Civil War. The opening scene is very clearly taking place in a southern state and we meet our main character of the movie, Django. He is an African American slave in His thirties, being transported by two white men along with other slaves. Later in the film, its understood that these African American men had just been sold at an auction. From the very beginning of the film there is a strong representation of African Americans and a vivid but brutal picture of what one particular race went through for such a long period of time. Along with this representation, Tarantino leaves examples of racial separation throughout the film. For starters, once Django has been freed by a white man by the name of Dr. King Schultz from the slavers, He gives much astonishment to the town folk in which the following scene takes place. Django is shown riding on horseback accompanied by Dr Schultz, and as he is riding there are many cut away shots toShow MoreRelatedThe Review By Rodrigo Perez Of Quentin Terentino s Django Unchained1159 Words  | 5 PagesThe review written by Rodrigo Perez of Quentin Terentino’s Django Unchained, is excellent and very well written. However, the review makes a mockery of one of Terentino’s best films. Quentin Terentino is a popular film maker. He has made films including: Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, Hateful 8, Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs, and many more. Django Unchained is about a slave named Django who is purchased by bounty hunter, Dr. Shultz. Dr. Shultz takes Django under his wing to help him along the way. InRead MoreDjango Untrained Analysis1525 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is the historical significance of Tarantino’s Django Unchained? Racism has been a prevalent issue throughout the history of the United States. From the introduction of slaves to the â€Å"New World†in the 17th century to the killing of innocent black individuals by police officers today, racism has defined this country. Director Quentin Tarantino, in his spaghetti western film Django: Unchained, addressed this issue. The film features a black slave who is freed at and sets out on a revenge missionRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie I Like The Way You Die 1964 Words  | 8 Pageslike the way you die, boy†Django said to Big John Brittle as John is shot to death by Django, an African-American free slave. That scene felt very satisfying especially since Big John Brittle was about to whip a little poor slave girl. Hitler in Inglourious Basterds was killed by a Jewish solider who got the opportunity to shoot Hitler multiple times in the torso and face; this Jewish solider had a look of vengeance in his eyes as he shot him. Notice how bot h these films have a feel good story aboutRead MoreIs the Movie Twelve Years a Slave a Good Movie of Its Genre? Essay1273 Words  | 6 PagesThe film industry has been showing many different aspects of the world we are living in. It shows fantasy, comedy, action, sport and many other genres that exhibit the needs of human entertainment. Some of these movies are only created and adapted by pure imagination of the film and script writers, while other movies are based on true stories with some adaptation by the script and/or film writer on the events happening in the film story, yet they are considered and said to be based on true storiesRead MoreThe Effects of Violence in the Media2052 Words  | 8 Pagesup around all of us. There are many people that would argue violence should not be in films or television shows as it is not entertaining and not something that can be taken seriously in the entertainment industry. The fact is, in spite of backlash, violence draws society in. One prime example would be the popular, but controversial film based on race, slavery, and violence: Django Unchained. Django Unchained earned many awards and drew in over $30 million during the first weekend of the film’sRead MoreEssay on Tarantino: Genius or Violence-Obsessed?2362 Words  | 10 PagesWhat if he lied on his rà ©sumà © to ‘compensate for his lack of experience in the film industry’, would you hire him? He gathered all of his knowledge while working at The Manhattan Beach Video Archives. There, he was able to work on some of his earlier scripts such as, True Romance (1993), and Natural Born Killers (1994). Looking to direct his first movie, he was able to get ahold of distribution company, Miramax Films, with Lawrence Bender set in place for production, who was able to secure funding
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Single free essay sample
In my English V Honors class, we are studying world literature. My teacher showed us a TedTalk podcast to help introduce the curriculum and to help us expand our knowledge of other cultures. Native born Nigerian Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was the said speaker in the TedTalk shown to us in class. Chimamanda tells of the books she read as child, mostly consisting of British and American children’s books. When Chimamanda started to write stories, they were almost identical to the books she had read. Chimamanda would include in her books caucasian children who ate apples and played in the snow because that is what she thought she could only write about. After discovering African literature, she realized literature did not have to include foreigners, but it could include things she knew and people similar to her. This helped her from having a single story on literature. Having a single story like this can lead to stereotypes, which can lead to an incomplete story. We will write a custom essay sample on Single or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After hearing the podcast and learning more of her story, I realized I was guilty of having a single story on people and places I have never even met or been to before. Having this realization inspired me to erase any and all single stories I may have. Having a single story of others has encouraged me to learn in depth about people and different cultures instead of having the single story of a person or culture. For example, I used to think all Hispanic cultures were the same. I thought they ate the same food, celebrated the same holidays, and had the same traditions. I happened to be one hundred percent wrong; I realized how incorrect I was through my dear friend Kim. She is Peruvian and taught me so much about her culture and how every culture was very different from each other. Since our friendship began, I have celebrated Peru’s independence day with her and her family and enjoy the delicious, traditional meals of Peru. I also became involved in an Afro-Peruvian dance gro up, and we performed at Que Pasa Fest in October. Through this experience, I have been able to learn more about the Peruvian culture and their traditions, and how different aspects of their culture is blended with other cultures around the world. By connecting myself with the Peruvian culture, my beliefs of the Hispanic culture have been altered. I am no longer narrow minded and have allowed myself to be open to new cultures and the Hispanic community to better inform myself. have also been immersing myself into the many cultures of New Orleans. Already this year, I have participated in service projects with French National Honors Society, which has helped me learn about the French influence in New Orleans. I have learned New Orleans consists of many cultures besides French; New Orleans consists of Spanish, French, and English influences, which makes the city a true melting pot of cultures.The TedTalk I saw changed who I am as a person because I do not just listen to single stories anymore, but instead, I look into the story and see who the people really are. Chimamandas story has helped me come to the realization of how there is an abundance of cultures and people to learn about, and if we have a single story about those cultures or people then we would not be able to fully understand and learn.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The cultural context and ethics of prevention of drug abuse
Prevention of drug abuse is a critical provision among the youths and minority groups. There are prevention techniques outlined in the suggested article that can be related perfectly to the subject of culture and prevention covered in the text. Youths and other vulnerable communities have been victims to drug abuse and other related vices. Consequently, formulating viable prevention techniques as outlined in the stated document is critical.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The cultural context and ethics of prevention of drug abuse specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first prevention strategy outlined in the document is the involvement of young people (youths) in all levels of the prevention program establishment. This is a considerable provision since it allows the concerned stakeholders to design their preferred remedial program for an effective battle against drug abuse and addiction (United Nations, 2004 ). It is important to hear from the concerned stakeholders on how they would like to be handled in the entire matter. Young individuals should be involved in the entire prevention program development starting from the concept formulation right to the implementation and evaluation of the entire program’s success. Culturally, this helps in knowing the best approach to give to various challenges facing youths and the concerned minority groups. It is important to consider such provisions in the entire disciplinary contexts. While relating this provision to the aspects of culture and prevention issues discussed in the text, several issues emerge on critical grounds. Culturally, youth need to have their participation and opinions considered in the programs that concern their welfares. They have a lot to reveal that can help the program developers to succeed in their fight against drug abuse and addiction amongst the youth and other vulnerable communities. Considering and understand ing the cultures of a given community can help in formulating viable prevention programs helpful in eradicating the alleged drug abuse with some success. Integrating the aspects of culture in the prevention program can equally enhance the materialization of the entire obligations. This helps in relating this prevention technique to the aspects of culture and prevention provisions discussed in the text. Another technique is to define the need of the youths and minority groups through research (United Nations, 2004). Understanding the needs of these individuals can actually enhance the vitality of the proposed and established programs. Additionally, the program will be able to address the exact needs of the concerned stakeholders. It is imperative to base all drug prevention programs on investigated evidence in order to make informed decisions regarding the matter.Advertising Looking for case study on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OF F Learn More Collection of facts on which prevention strategies had succeeded before and those ones that failed is crucial in this context. This is a critical provision in various occasions since it provides the mentioned groups with viable prevention programs helpful in eradication the aspect of drug abuse and addiction. Evidently, incorporating the youth and minority groups in formulating and executing the proposed research and prevention program forms an imperative part of getting a balanced picture of the concerned predicament. Conclusively, working collaboratively with the youth and other stakeholders is an important provision in this context. Concurrently, it is crucial to relate this technique with the subject of culture and prevention covered in the text. Cultural provisions demand the participation of youths and other stakeholders in the issues that affect them. In fact culture appreciates youth involvement on such issues. This will obviously enhance the success of the proposed prevention program. Another technique is the development of activity-oriented programs meant to engage youths and the minority groups (United Nations, 2004). Evidently, boredom and lack of relevant activities (what to do) can contribute to the widespread of drug abuse and addiction. Hence, designing programs that will address such issues is critical in managing the problem. Youths need constructive alternatives differing from what they are used to do in order to curb the aspects of drug abuse. Providing them with viable activities that would enhance their growth intellectually, spiritually, economically, and physically can be highly appreciated (Hogan, 2003). It is crucial to enhance these provisions in various contexts in order to engage the youths and other idle individuals into constructive activities. This technique is important when considered critically. When associating it with the culture and prevention subjects covered in the text, several factors emerge. Cult urally, it is important to engage youth into activities that will enhance their growth as future responsible adults and leaders. Adhering to this provision is an important phenomenon in this context. It is crucial to agree that these strategies are effective means of working with cultural issues and drug prevention programs. Firstly, their provisions and moral mandates ensure that the concerned groups remain focused and resistive to drug abuse and addiction. These strategies ensure that youths and other vulnerable groups are engaged in other alternative and constructive activities to help them grow as potential and responsible people in the society (Peele Alexander, 2012). Thus, these strategies promote cultural issues and drug prevention programs.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The cultural context and ethics of prevention of drug abuse specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ethical concerns The ethical issues encountered in these techniques are numerous. Firstly, they engage the minds of the youth hence barring them from indulging into prohibited activities. Additionally, these practices harm nobody in various contexts. Instead, they promote morality, reduce crime, and uphold virtues among youths and minority groups. Ethical issues have been effectively handled through viable mechanisms meant to uphold virtues among the concerned communities. References Hogan, J. (2003). Substance abuse prevention: The intersection of science and practice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Peele, S. Alexander, B. (2012).The Meaning of Addiction. Retrieved from United Nations. (2004). Drug abuse prevention among youth from ethnic and indigenous minorities. Retrieved from This case study on The cultural context and ethics of prevention of drug abuse was written and submitted by user Kailey Decker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
king lear Essays
king lear Essays king lear Essay king lear Essay Essay Topic: King Lear n King Lear, Shakespeare creates many conditions in which humans live in the world. The main characters in the play are used to portray Shakespeares ideas of evil between the characters and in the world. Shakespeare presents the conflict between good and evil by carefully separating the characters into two groups in order to bring out different attitudes to life. The conflict between good and evil divisions in King Lear lies in their opposed attitudes to what man is and therefore to his obligation in the society around him. These attitudes are understood in what the characters say and do everywhere in the play. For instance, the villain Edmund declares his Machiavellian character in a soliloquy. Edmund states:â€Å"Thou, Nature, art my goddess;†He speaks of nature as his guiding principle as opposed to the manmade customs by which society is ruled. This was a powerful and threatening statement for the Elizabethans. For them, the idea of society was of a n ordered, divinely conceived organism which reflected the hierarchy and order of the rest of the created universe. Within society the bonds and obligations were divinely ordained. Therefore, Edmund diminishes all this by cn King Lear, Shakespeare creates many conditions in which humans live in the world. The main characters in the play are used to portray Shakespeares ideas of evil between the characters and in the world. Shakespeare presents the conflict between good and evil by carefully separating the characters into two groups in order to bring out different attitudes to life. The conflict between good and evil divisions in King Lear lies in their opposed attitudes to what man is and therefore to his obligation in the society around him. These attitudes are understood in what the characters say and do everywhere in the play. For instance, the villain Edmund declares his Machiavellian character in a soliloquy. Edmund states:â€Å"Thou, Nature, art my goddess;†He speaks of nature as his guiding principle as
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Albany Plan of Union
The Albany Plan of Union  The Albany Plan of Union was an early proposal to organize the British-held American colonies under a single central government. While independence from Great Britain was not its intent, the Albany Plan represented the first officially-endorsed proposal to organize the American colonies under a single, centralized government. The Albany Congress While it was never implemented, the Albany Plan was adopted on July 10, 1754, by the Albany Congress, a convention attended by representatives of seven of the thirteen American colonies. The colonies of Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire sent colonial commissioners to the Congress. The British government itself had ordered the Albany Congress to meet in response to a failed series of negotiations between New York’s colonial government and the Mohawk Indian nation, then a part of the larger Iroquois Confederation. Ideally, the British Crown hoped the Albany Congress would result in a treaty between the colonial governments and the Iroquois clearly spelling out a policy of colonial-Indian cooperation. Sensing the certainty of the looming French and Indian War, the British considered the cooperation of the Iroquois to be essential should the colonies be threatened by the conflict. While a treaty with the Iroquois may have been their primary assignment, the colonial delegates also discussed other matters, like forming a union. Benjamin Franklin’s Plan of Union Long before the Albany Convention, plans to centralize the American colonies into a â€Å"union†had been circulated. The most vocal proponent of such a union of colonial governments was Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, who had shared his ideas for a union with several of his colleagues. When he learned of the coming Albany Congress convention, Franklin published the famous â€Å"Join, or Die†political cartoon in his newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette. The cartoon illustrates the need for a union by comparing the colonies to separated pieces of a snake’s body. As soon as he was selected as Pennsylvania’s delegate to the Congress, Franklin published copies of what he called his â€Å"short hints towards a scheme for uniting the Northern Colonies†with the support of the British Parliament. Indeed, the British government at the time did consider that placing the colonies under closer, centralized supervision would be advantageous to the Crown by making it easier to control them from afar. In addition, a growing number of colonists agreed with the need to organize in order to better defend their common interests. After convening on June 19, 1754, the delegates to the Albany Convention voted to discuss the Albany Plan for Union on June 24. By June 28, a union subcommittee presented a draft plan to the full Convention. After extensive debate and amendment, a final version was adopted on July 10. Under the Albany Plan, the combined colonial governments, except for those of Georgia and Delaware, would appoint members of a â€Å"Grand Council,†to be overseen by a â€Å"president General†appointed by the British Parliament. Delaware was excluded from the Albany Plan because it and Pennsylvania shared the same governor at the time. Historians have speculated that Georgia was excluded because, being considered a sparsely-populated â€Å"frontier†colony, it would have been unable to contribute equally to the common defense and support of the union. While the convention delegates unanimously approved the Albany Plan, the legislatures of all seven colonies rejected it, because it would have taken away some of their existing powers. Due to the colonial legislatures’ rejection, the Albany Plan was never submitted to the British Crown for approval. However, the British Board of Trade considered and also rejected it. Having already sent General Edward Braddock, along with two commissioners, to take care of Indian relations, the British government believed it could continue to manage the colonies from London. How Albany Plan Government Would Have Worked Had the Albany Plan been adopted, the two branches of government, the Grand Council and the president General, would have worked as a unified government charged with dealing with disputes and agreements between the colonies, as well as regulating colonial relations and treaties with the Indian tribes. In response to the tendency at the time of the colonial governors appointed by the British Parliament to override the colonial legislators chosen by the people, the Albany Plan would have given the Grand Council more relative power than the president General. The plan would have also allowed the new unified government to impose and collect taxes to support its operations and provide for the defense of the union. While the Albany Plan failed to be adopted, many of its elements formed the basis of American government as embodied in the Articles of Confederation and, eventually, the U.S. Constitution. In 1789, one year after the final ratification of the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin suggested that adoption of the Albany Plan might have greatly delayed the colonial separation from England and the ​American Revolution. â€Å"On Reflection it now seems probable, that if the foregoing Plan [the Albany Plan] or something like it, had been adopted and carried into Execution, the subsequent Separation of the Colonies from the Mother Country might not so soon have happened, nor the Mischiefs suffered on both sides have occurred, perhaps during another Century. For the Colonies, if so united, would have really been, as they then thought themselves, sufficient to their own Defence, and being trusted with it, as by the Plan, an Army from Britain, for that purpose would have been unnecessary: The Pretences for framing the Stamp-Act would not then have existed, nor the other Projects for drawing a Revenue from America to Britain by Acts of Parliament, which were the Cause of the Breach, and attended with such terrible Expence of Blood and Treasure: so that the different Parts of the Empire might still have remained in Peace and Union,†wrote Franklin. Britain’s Reaction to the Albany Plan of Union Fearing that if the Albany Plan was accepted, His Majesty’s Government might have a hard time continuing to control its now far more powerful American colonies, the British Crown hesitated to push the plan through Parliament. However, the Crown’s fears were misplaced. The individual American colonists were still far from being prepared to handle the self-government responsibilities demanded by being part of a union. In addition, the existing colonial assemblies ready to surrender their recently hard-won control of local affairs to a single central government. Indeed, that would not happen until well after the submission of the Declaration of Independence. The Legacy of the Albany Plan of Union While his Albany Plan of Union had not proposed separation from Britain, Benjamin Franklin had accounted for many of the challenges the new American government would face after independence. Franklin knew that once independent of the Crown, America would be solely responsible for necessities like maintaining its financial stability, proving a viable economy, establishing a system of justice, and defending the people from attacks by Indians and foreign enemies. In the final analysis, the Albany Plan of Union created the elements of a true union, many of which would be adopted in September 1774, when the First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia to set America on the road to revolution.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Coconut Oil, although a saturated fat, is good for you Essay
Coconut Oil, although a saturated fat, is good for you - Essay Example For that matter, different data and information regarding the use of coconut oil for different applications can be found in abundance. The study conducted is related to the said accumulation of data and information that can present the benefits and useful applications of coconut oil in different field and aspects of the human subsistence. In addition, one of the important objectives is to be able to state the different nutritional and health benefits of coconut oil. The determination of the composition of coconut oil is one of the primary aspects that are needed to be studied to be able to present the reasons behind the benefits of the said oil. Coconut oil is composed of saturated fat (90%). Although this is the case, the said fats are primarily medium chain triglycerides that are considered less harmful that other types of saturated fats that are generally considered harmful. Specifically it is composed if saturated fatty acids (92%), monounsaturated fatty acids (6%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (2%) (Fife, 2004; 2006; Holzapfel and Holzapfel, 2004). The kinds of fatty acid composition are presented in Table 1. The fat content of coconut oil can be considered to bring about false impression that it is bad for the health due to the word fat itself. On the other hand, the main compositions of coconut oil which are medium chain triglycerides are different from the saturated fat that can harm a person upon high intake. On the contrary, the components of coconut oil with the unique saturated fat composition had been proven for its positive effects (Fife, 2004). Based on different studies and researches coconut oil can be used for both the nutritional and health benefits. For that matter it had been described as â€Å"nutraceutical†due to the capability to cure ailments and help in the nourishment of the body (Holzapfel and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Telecommunication in healthcare Speech or Presentation
Telecommunication in healthcare - Speech or Presentation Example Another area which has been evolving over the course of years and decades is the healthcare industry. Healthcare has constantly evolved with the times, from poor and dangerous practices to safer, more effective procedures. From the old days of blood letting and body humors, to CT scans and brain surgery, healthcare has come a long way, and continues to evolve in order to aid mankind in staying healthy, relieving pain, and generally living longer. The goal of this paper is to examine and assess the marriage of these two topics; telecommunications in the healthcare setting. It aims to discuss its current state, benefits and set backs, as well as to try and predict where it will be in the next 5 years. It aims to do so by laying the topic out as such: 1. What is telecommunication? 2. Telecommunication technology used in the hospital setting 3. Advantages and disadvantages of telecommunication in healthcare 4. Significance of telecommunication in the healthcare setting 5. Where will heal thcare telecommunications be in 5 years What is telecommunication? Telecommunication, according to, is â€Å"the transmission of information. . . usually over great distances, in the form of electronic signals..†. This gives us a guide as to how to look at the technology that will be discussed in this portion of the paper. There are many forms of this technology available in the market today. The basic form of this technology is of course the telephone. There are many types of telephones that use different types of connections in order to communicate such as the regular public switch telephone network, internet protocol or IP phones, and mobile carrier phones. This is most likely the first thing that would come to mind when thinking about telecommunication, however, this is but a small part of the technology. Other examples are chat and email. These on the other hand are text-related forms of telecommunication. These provide a great way to send out information quickly if incase there is no time to spend on the phone and if details are needed to be sent over that require visual support. You can also consider fax as a form of telecommunication as you are still sending over information electronically; it’s just turned into a hard copy once it is received. One other form of telecommunication, which people normally do not think of, is the public announcement system. It still fits into our description of sending over information electronically. The great thing about telecommunications is that it is flexible, it evolves in conjunction to our needs and it improves greatly over the course of a relatively short period of time. This means that it is effective in most settings and is able to provide multiple options for connectivity. Telecommunication technology used in the hospital setting The healthcare industry has slowly grown and evolved throughout time and so have the technologies that they used. As they made an effort to solve more prob lems, their need to communicate, share information and collaborate also grew and changed. Gone are the days of regular landline calls and pagers. The healthcare industry now uses great technology and equipment in order to have better communication, record keeping, and collaboration. Aside from the average technology such as IP phones, email, chat, fax and the PA system, the healthcare industry also has other tools up its sleeve. One of them is video conferencing. There is one kind that is specially
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Policy of North Korea Essay Example for Free
Policy of North Korea Essay Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea) is considered to be one of world’s most closed and isolated countries in the world. After the breaking up of the two Koreas in 1945, they emerged on the world map as Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea. Families divided and one culture and value system sustained on both sides of the border, yet hostilities between the two countries marred their relations and international peace. US dumped its nuclear arsenal in South Korea which eventually led to a deterioration in situation. Russia opted to support North Korea in the ensuing years which led to international deadlocks. Being surrounded by great powers, the escalating tension and ensuing events took shape of global events that affected the whole world and changed the policies of super powers. The subsequent ambitious nuclear goals of Pyongyong had to be curtailed and this is what has kept the region in lime light ever since. Clinton’s Policy towards North Korea The policies of Bill Clinton regarding North Korea were recently criticized by Republican presidential candidate Senator McCain. He said while referring to the then in the race democratic candidate for presidency Hillary Clinton â€Å"the framework agreement her husbands administration negotiated was a failure†. Senator McCain was quoted as saying this and a lot more while defending the policy of Bush administration regarding North Korea. He said that the aid North Korea received under Clinton’s policy was subsequently diverted to the up gradation of their military and nuclear program. Reversely there are many who support Clinton’s policies and criticize Bush administration for not adequately following up on negotiation with North Korea and ignoring the issue while focusing more on Iraq, Afghanistan and war on terror in general. Observers however, noted that the Agreed Frame work has been a success as North Korea abided by the freeze. Clinton’s strategy was supported by many others as well who contended that the agreement had resulted in progress. Reviewing Clinton’s Policy towards Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea and the dynamics that played a major role in this regard it will be noted that initially President Clinton’s policy towards North Korea was a bit aggressive but it gave way to a general consensus of cooperation and negotiation. Few extracts from the paper â€Å"The Mouse that Roared? Clinton’s Foreign Policy towards North Korea†are given below. â€Å"During the Clinton presidency, US foreign policy towards North Korea started with conflict with the nuclear crisis and ended with cooperation by beginning diplomatic normalization. North Korea did not change its foreign policy; it remained aggressive in its anti-American rhetoric and actions. Therefore, why was there a foreign policy change from conflict to cooperation towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea during the Clinton administration? Some scholars will argue that there was no or little change in foreign policy. However, there are some differences that are puzzling and do not fit the standard mold of foreign policy formation. High politics involving security and power should not mix with low politics like peace and economic prosperity, but they do in the case of the DPRK. The DPRK is a closed state that few completely understand, and this would usually lead to more cautious and protectionist policies. Instead, the US became more cooperative, and this needs explanation. The factors that led towards foreign policy change are divided into two themes. The first theme is that Clinton became a supporter of the Democratic Peace Thesis (DPT) and incorporated these ideas into his foreign policy. †â€Å"†¦, the second theme is that Congress reasserted itself as a major actor in foreign policy matters and became more supportive of cooperation. The checks and balances of the American political system did not apply to the â€Å"1994 Agreed Framework Between the United States of America and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea†(Agreed Framework). It was a document that Congress had to support even though Senate did not have to ratify it. †(Jane Kim, 1, 2). American government has always had issues and concerns regarding North Korea’s military ambition, especially its nuclear program and the American government thought the long impending predicament was resolved when during the Clinton Regime United States and North Korea signed the â€Å"Agreed Framework†on 12 August, 1994. The framework proposed a three step process according to which North Korea agreed to freeze its plutonium weapon program and in return American government promised to progress towards stabilized economic and diplomatic relations and will provide North Korea two proliferation-resistant nuclear reactor. Afterwards the Clinton regime also initiated talks with North Korean government in Berlin and later in New York as well to confine its ballistic missile program but no concluding agreement could be reached in the end. United States also imposed sanctions on North Korea for missile proliferation activities and for the transfer of missile technology and its components. Quite a large number of Congressmen did not approve of Clinton’s foreign policy towards North Korea and also the fact that the Agreed Framework was the root of the US’s North Korean policy. It is evident from the congressional documents that Congress was reluctant to accept the Clinton government’s diplomatic and peace-centered negotiations with North Korean regime and tolerant approach towards North Korea. Similarly many Congressmen were also not in accord with applying Democratic Peace Theory for defining US policy governing relationship with North Korea. Members of Congress were in favor of placing economic sanctions on North Korea. Although after both the governments concurred on the Agreed Framework, Clinton’s Policy was accepted reluctantly, but this did not stop Congress from trying to wield influence on American foreign policy. In 1998, President Clinton also assigned former Secretary of Defense William Perry the task to carry out an enhancement of America’s policy towards the North Korea. William Perry immediately undertook an interagency review of U. S. policy toward North Korea and began discussions with South Korea and Japan focusing on creating a combined approach to deal with the issues at hand. The following Perry Report led to the pave the final phase of Clinton’s North Korean policy. With the lukewarm support of Congress, Clinton continued to peacefully engage North Korea in talks and negotiations, and the United States of America reduced its economic sanctions against North Korea. During this time, Clinton government successfully involved North Korea as well as South Korea and Japan in the peace talks while exchanges of officials between the two countries continued to decrease tensions. US inspectors visited North Korean nuclear plants and United States also promised to cooperate with North Korea in economic affairs as well as for the peaceful uses of nuclear technology but after the 2000 election and the consequent change in the White House Clinton’s North Korean policy ended abruptly. Post-2001 American Policy for North Korea American policy for DPRK underwent a complete change after President George W. Bush took oath of the office in January 2001. Shortly before President George W. Bush declared his intent to completely review the state’s policy towards DPRK, Secretary of State Colin Powell had stated that the current administration plans to â€Å"pick up where President Clinton left off†(Manyin, Chanlett-Avery and Marchart 2005, 13) . In his joint statement a day later, after his first summit meeting with the President Kim of ROK, he declared his views against those of the ROK President about alteration of America’s DPRK policy. The Bush administration consequently changed its stance completely declaring that the previous administration was rewarding North Korea for its bad behavior. Prior to any further dialogues, North Korea is asked to â€Å"1) start to take serious, verifiable steps to reduce the conventional weapons threat to the South, 2) â€Å"improved implementation†of the 1994 Agreed Framework, and 3) verifiable â€Å"constraints†on North Korea’s missile exports. †(Ibid, 14) In response to these statements, North Korea also asked a return of the US to the stance of the last administration. This, however, was not achieved as President Bush in his statement in the state of the Union address combined North Korea with Iran and Iraq, and declaring that they â€Å"constitute an axis of evil†which further instigated hostilities between the two countries. The Bush Administration further demanded that multilateral talks be conducted with North Korea so as appropriate pressure could be built for seeing the future agreements carried through. On the other hand North Korea was insisting for bilateral talks. The intervention of China in this regard, at the behest of President Bush, helped in the smooth flow of matters. The Chinese diplomats succeeded in building up a negotiating party that consisted of representatives of six countries, whose stakes were involved in the negotiations; this included South Korea, Japan, Russia, China and US. The first three rounds of bilateral talks took place in August 2003, February 2004 and June 2004, but these were without any substantial results. This delay in reaching any diplomatic settlement has been blamed on US because of its inability to come up with a negotiating proposal so that the talks could move forward substantially and in a direction. A group of officials within the top notch Bush administration wanted the Korean regime to collapse and therefore advocated the sternest measures, such as unilateral promises from the North Korean regime for demilitarization as well as for the US to keep the sanctions in place. After the fourth round of talks, the six parties agreed on a joint declaration of intentions that was released on September 19, 2005. The declaration comprised of numerous linguistic minefields and was a reflection of the mutual mistrust between the major negotiating parties. It was as a result of these many misunderstandings that overshadowed the talks and resulted in the US officials backing out of their promise of help in peaceful use of nuclear energy. Dr. Quinones was also cited as saying that the track record of the current administration is not one of diplomacy, but rather one of vacillation, inconsistency, and ultimately the undercutting of the position and the efforts of its own diplomats. South Korea’s Policy through different regimes Since 1991, South Korea has adopted a policy of flexibility and reconciliation towards North Korea giving rise to bilateral relations that are getting better over the years. In 1991, President Roh Tae Woo of South Korea declared a unilateral Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, under which he promised not to produce, possess, store, deploy, or use nuclear weapons. Following it, a high level meeting took place between the two countries in which they both declared a complete denuclearization and inspections for verification. In 1998, President Kin Dae Jung came up with his Sunshine Policy that declared that South Korea will build its relations with North Korea upon peace and harmony. While the policy foresaw no unification in the near future, it nonetheless envisioned a peaceful co-existence and unification when the hurdles of rivalry were removed. The South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun also rejected US suggestions of curtailing the Sunshine Policy and warned the US against any â€Å"accidental war†showing solidarity for North Korea. Mike Billington has argued in his article that the two Koreas are bound to unite and the nuclear issue will not entangle their matters very far. It is now up to the US regime to understand the flow of events. The high points of these bilateral relations were Summit meetings such as the one that took place in 2000-01. Here the two leaders South Korean President Kim Dae Jung and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-il declared their intent for â€Å"eventual reunification†(Manyin, 4). Summit meetings such as these eventually lead analysts to believe that in the case of these two countries, eventual reunification is a great possibility. North Korea’s Military Capabilities and its Impact North Korea initiated its nuclear program around 1962, as it planned to intensify its defence. The atomic energy research complex near Yongbyon was established during mid 1960s. North Korea and United Soviet States of Russia (USSR) had signed agreements and according to these agreements an IRT-2M research reactor was established during 1965. The fuel elements were also supplied to North Korea from 1965-1973. In 1974, North Korean scientists upgraded and modernized the IRT-2M reactor just as other countries with nuclear capabilities were doing. This upgrading brought North Korea’s nuclear capacity up to 8 megawatts and its fuel enrichment to 80%. Before 1977, North Korea had started construction of its second nuclear reactor. North Korea signed a â€Å"Type 66†agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1977. In lieu of this agreement the IAEA inspectors were allowed to visit and inspect the 2MW IRT-research reactor and 0. 1MW critical assembly located at Yongbyon built with the assistance of USSR. From the early 1980s North Korea focused on the practical uses of the nuclear energy and attempted to complete the nuclear weapon development system. It began to operate facilities for uranium fabrication and conversion. Besides the 200 MW (e) nuclear reactor in Yongbyong and Taechon, North Korea built nuclear reprocessing facilities. North Korea also conducted high-explosive detonation tests. It was in 1985 that the United States officially announced that it had reports of the nuclear reactor near Yongbyong. Under international pressure at that time, DPRK became a signatory to the Non-proliferation Treaty. Under the treaty, North Korea was required to sign a document regarding the safeguards of the facilities which it refused to do. North Korea and South Korea signed a Joint declaration on 31st December, 1991. The declaration effectively curtailed any chance for either side from plutonium reprocessing and uranium enrichment. There were, however no progresses on the inter-Korean agreement. For two years, no real progress was made between the two sides on the agreement. In the year 1993, the joint U. S.  ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬- South Korea military exercises were held and North Korea declared its intent to withdraw from the NPT. It also refused to allow the IAEA team to visit two nuclear waste sites. The tensions escalated after these events. A series of talks between North Korea and United States over the next two years resulted in the signing of the â€Å"Agreed Framework†in Geneve on 21st October 1994. According to the agreement North Korea agreed to freeze it nuclear program and have enhanced security from the IAEA personnel. It was agreed that North Korea’s graphite-moderated reactors will be replaced with Light-water power plants. Full normalization of economic and political relations was aimed at. That the Korean peninsula would be made a nuclear free zone was also agreed upon. It was decided that both sides would work to strengthen the nuclear proliferation-free regime. In August 2002, the U. S. government renewed the pressure on North Korea to allow the IAEA inspectors to visit the nuclear reactors and to let them inspect how much plutonium North Korea had produced. With ups and downs in the relationship between the two countries, it was in 2002, that American President George Bush decided to halt the shipment of heavy fuel oil to North Korea. Eight days after this announcement by the President North Korea declared that the 1994 agreement with the United States had collapsed. The Six-party talks started in August 2003 as the United States was not interested in bilateral talks after the failure of the Agreed Framework. The talks included North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, Japan and United States. Thus the diplomatic initiatives to prevent North Korea from carrying out nuclear explosions continued. Second and third round of six-party talks were held in early 2004; but in February 2005 DPRK after declaring possession of nuclear weapons, boycotted the six-party talks. On 5th July, 2006 North Korea fires seven missiles into the sea of Japan and consequently UN security councils imposes sanctions on North Korea. After refusing to engage in nuclear talks and claiming to have tested a nuclear weapon in October 2006, North Korea finally agrees to give up on its nuclear program. During May 2008 North Korea briefed America regarding the its reactor at Yongbyon, and provided critical information. Due to these and other positive steps taken by the North Korean Government President Bush of USA announced on 26th June 2008: First, Im issuing a proclamation that lifts the provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act with respect to North Korea. â€Å"And secondly, I am notifying Congress of my intent to rescind North Koreas designation as a state sponsor of terror in 45 days. †Policy Options of America for North Korea Bush administration has recently declared that it no longer counts North Korea amongst the nations and countries spreading terrorism. It should be noted that earlier hard and inflexible stances led to the situation where North Korea felt compelled to demonstrate its nuclear capabilities and missile technology. Comparing between the two administrations of US that dealt with the North Korean nuclear issue, the conclusion can be easily reached that although all great powers tried their utmost to stop the country from going nuclear, they could not bring it about. Although being flexible might be what was termed as rewarding bad behavior but that is the diplomatic way. Keeping a tough stance might result in unfortunate events such as war, which if it takes place now, will not effect only the Korean peninsula but the whole region, affecting global crisis.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays
Educational Goals and Philosophy When I finally decided what I wanted to do with my life, the ultimate answer was that I wanted to become a teacher. Of course, after telling my family and friends what I had determined, they all wanted to know why. At first, my answer was simple, and the words â€Å"just because I do†were uttered from my lips all too frequently as I realized that I had not given any serious thought as to the reason why I had chosen the teaching profession. It has been about five years since I first decided that my fate lay in the field of education, and now after thinking long and hard, I have an answer to the question posed so often: why? The reason why I want to be a teacher is because I want to help educate others, and also to aid them in discovering their own purposes in life. I want to help students to understand that it is okay to be yourself, to be creative, and to be outspoken. I want to share with my students all of the knowledge that I have gained throughout my life and education, and teach them how to relate that knowledge to their own personal experiences. It is my belief that teachers are the ‘miracles workers’ of the world, and that without them, we would have no doctors, lawyers, or even plumbers. I have strong faith in the belief that teachers are the people who are wholly responsible for opening the doors of realization when students are looking for their own occupational niches. After I have graduated from Concord College, and am able to instruct in my own classroom, I plan to incorporate a number of educational philosophies and teaching methods into that classroom. The educational philosophies that I plan to base my teaching methods on are Progressivism, Existentialism, and Behaviorism. From the philosophy of Progressivism, I will bring the idea of respect for one’s individuality, and make my classroom more receptive to the individual wants and interests of my students.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index Essay
The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index influences a business’s future decisions for ventures on foreign soil. Businesses use the index to compare countries for the most and potentially best prospective investment in order to profit from expansion. The FDI Index lists the top countries that are projected to be the most compelling to directly invest in fixed and variable assets in order to achieve management control (Ball, Geringer, Minor, & McNett, 2010). According to Ball, Geringer, Minor, and Mcnett (2010) in International Business; The Challenge of Global Competition, â€Å"if a nation is continuing to receive appreciable amounts of foreign investment, its investment climate must be favorable.†Through analysis of projected countries for foreign investment, a company can determine if a foreign market is favorable to expand into since other companies are continuously investing in them. A.T. Kearney Inc., a global management consultant firm, researches and constructs the Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index periodically in order to assist and advise CEO’s across the world in multiple markets make the most informed business decisions. With offices in thirty- seven countries, A.T. Kearney has the presence and global notoriety that corporations lean upon for expansion decisions (A.T. Kearney Inc., 2011). The company’s vast experience advising top corporations in multiple industries lends credibility to the A.T. Kearney Inc.’s analysis of the constructed FDI Confidence Index. The FDI Confidence Index is a widely used tool that is compiled using analysis of many components. A.T. Kearney Inc. begins the research for the top countries to invest by surveying the top corporate executives of one thousand of the largest businesses throughout the world and account for more than †two trillion in annual global revenue,†(Laudicina, Gott, & Pohl, 2010). These selected companies are representatives from forty-four countries across seventeen industries (Laudicina et al., 2010). A.T. Kearney compilation and calculation for the FDI Confidence Index is meant to capture a true audience’s opinion of the potential investment and expansion into foreign markets by observing a broad spectrum of companies business plan throughout their global investment perspective. The Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index survey questioned each CEO and took a weighted average of their responses on a scale of high, medium and low when asked for the â€Å"likelihood of the direct investment in a market over the next three years,†as presented by Laudicina, Gott, and Pohl (2010). The survey did not question the senior executives on the likelihood of investment with in their own country (Laudicina et all., 2010). Therefore, the index values are non-biased and are based true opinions from leading CEO’s for the most desirable countries to invest company assets. Other sources that are taken into consideration in the compilation of the Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index include data prepared by the United Nations. According to Investing in a Rebound: the 2010 A.T. Kearney’s Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index, â€Å"FDI flow figures are the latest statistics available from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)†are used to assist in the compilation of the ranking of countries (Laudicina et all., 2010). Also, Laudicina et all. (2010) includes the, â€Å"International Monetary Fund (IMF), investment promotion agencies, central banks, ministries of finance and trade, and major periodicals,†for insight to determine the rankings of each country. A.T. Kearney Inc. uses multiple resources for compiling the FDI Confidence Index in order to construct the most representative statistics for future foreign investments. Even though the FDI Confidence Index ranks countries upon the likelihood of future investments from non-source corporations, the economic market has globally taken a downturn. Laudicina et all. (2010) responds in the publication, â€Å"while conditions have improved, senior executives at the world’s largest companies remain wary of investing during the current climate, and few expect a full turnaround before 2011.†Top corporate executives, even though the market is down, still project potentially investment in equipment, structures and organizations in these top countries at a level that is sufficient to obtain significant management control within the next three years (Laudicina et all. 2010). The Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index is compiled by A.T. Kearney Inc., a well-respected global management firm, in order to assist corporations in capitalizing company assets in foreign countries. This list ranks the top countries of foreign investment by surveying top senior executives around the world, using Untied Nations data on foreign trade and other publications in order to compile the most thorough analysis for corporations to use for the most prospective countries for foreign ventures (Laudicina et all., 2010). Even though the global economy has taken a turn for the worse, corporations are continuing to foresee future foreign direct investment as a possibility for their company’s long-term business plan.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Q1. What is the difference between a left neighborhood and a right neighborhood of a number? How does this concept become relevant in determining a limit of a function? Answer: Left neighborhood of a number ‘a’ represents numbers lesser than the number ‘a’ and is denoted by ‘a-’ or ‘a-d’, where d is infinitesimally small. Similarly, right neighborhood of a number ‘a’ represents numbers greater than the number ‘a’ and is denoted by ‘a+’ or or ‘a+d’, where d is infinitesimally small. This concept is very important in determining limit of a function. A function f(x) of ‘x’ will have a limit at x = a; if and only if f(a-d) = f(a+d) = f(a); where d is infinitesimally small. Q2. A limit of a function at a point of discontinuity does not exist. Why? Give an example. Answer: For existence of limit of function f(x) of ‘x’; at x = a; the necessary and sufficient condition is f(a-d) = f(a+d) = f(a); where d is infinitesimally small. At a point of discontinuity, f(a-d) ≠f(a+d). Therefore, limit of a function does not exist at a point of discontinuity. The following example will make it clear. Let us take example of integer function. This function is defined in the following manner: f(x) = a;          where ‘a’ is an integer less than or equal to x. Let us check if limit exists for this function at x = ‘a’, where ‘a’ is an integer. Now left hand side limit = f(a-d) = a-1 And right hand side limit = f(a+d) = a Thus, f(a-d) ≠f(a+d); and hence limit does not exists for this function. If this function is plotted, there is discontinuity at all integer points. Thus it can be seen that limit of a function does not exist at a point of discontinuity. 3. What is the difference between a derivative of a function and its slope? Give a detailed explanation. Answer: Derivative of a function is another function, which remains same throughout the domain of the function at all the points. Slope of a function on the other hand is the value of the derivative. This value may change from point to point depending on the nature of the function. Let us take an example. Derivative of Sin(x) is Cos(x) for all values of ‘x’. If one looks at the slope of Sin(x), its value keeps changing in [-1, +1] range from point to point. Slope of Sin(x) is -1 for x = odd integral multiples of p; +1 for x = even multiples of p and 0 for x = odd multiples of p/2. Thus, it can be seen that while derivative of a function remains the same while its slope could be changing from point to point.
Friday, November 8, 2019
In Retrospect essays
In Retrospect essays Robert McNamara In Retrospect Random House New York, 1995 Vietnam had long since been a place of controversy, and where our government focused its fear of communism for many years. Throughout the Kennedy and Johnson administrations the government maintained that the war between the Communist north and the south can only be won by the South Vietnamese, and that our military cannot win it for them. It stressed that the fall of South Vietnam to communism would threaten the rest of the western world. Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, wrote In Retrospect because he wanted to Put Vietnam in context,(xx). McNamara wanted to explain why the mistakes of Vietnam were made, not to justify them, but to help the American public understand them. He relies not only upon his memories, but upon People have often called Vietnam, McNamaras war, because he made it his responsibility. As he learned more and more about south Vietnam, he became well acquainted with its leader Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem portrayed himself as a man who shared our western values. Though as our government would soon realize he was not the man we had hoped for. Diem needed to be removed from power, he was becoming more and more unpopular with his people. The Kennedy Administration seemed split on how democratic Diem really was. His conflicts between the Buddhists and Catholics were becoming more outrageous than ever. The administration supported a generals coup to get Diem out of power. Diem and his brother Nhu were both assassinated during this coup. On November 22, 1963, Kennedy, himself, was also assassinated on the streets of Dallas. McNamara poses many questions as to whether the war would have continued on the same route had Kennedy not been killed. McNamara feels that had Kennedy lived he would have pulled us out of ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Christmas Carol Quotations
'A Christmas Carol' Quotations Charles Dickenss novel, A Christmas Carol (1843), is the famous redemption tale of the wicked Ebenezer Scrooge. On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by spirits, including his former business partner Jacob Marley, and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Yet to Come. Each ghost has a different message for Scrooge about how his penny-pinching and indifference has affected himself and others who care about him. By the end of the story, Scrooge has become enlightened and vows to change his mean, miserly ways before its too late. Famous Quotations The Ghost of Jacob Marley Marleys ghost tells Scrooge why he has appeared to him on Christmas Eve, wearing the chains he forged in life. It is required of every man, the ghost returned, that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide; and, if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. The Ghost of Christmas Past After reliving his past and seeing his kindly former mentor Fezziwig, Scrooge is overwhelmed. He tells the Ghost: Spirit! said Scrooge in a broken voice, remove me from this place.I told you these were shadows of the things that have been, said the Ghost. That they are what they are, do not blame me! Ghost of Christmas Present There are some upon this earth of yours, returned the Spirit, who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name, who are as strange to us and all out kith and kin, as if they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us. The Ghost of Christmas Present is telling Scrooge not to blame his past bad behavior on anyone else or any divine influence. Ebenezer Scrooge Scrooge takes a long time to get on board with the spirits, but once he does, he panics that hes run out of time to redeem himself. You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. Theres more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are! Scrooge says this to the ghost of his late business partner, Jacob Marley. Scrooge is doubting his senses, and cant believe that the Ghost is real. Ghost of the Future, he exclaimed, I fear you more than any spectre I have seen. But as I know your purpose is to do me good, and as I hope to live to be another man from what I was, I am prepared to bear you company, and do it with a thankful heart. Will you not speak to me? After visits from the Ghosts of Christmas Past and Present, Scrooge most fears the visit of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. When he sees what this spirit has to show him, Scrooge begs to know whether the course of events can be changed: Mens courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead, said Scrooge. But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me! When he wakes up on Christmas morning, Scrooge realizes he can make amends for his past cruelties. I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh, tell me I may sponge away the writing on this stone!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. Research Paper Essay
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. Research Paper - Essay Example This entirely has been attained through the establisher and organization CEO, Steve Ells, and his capability gradually to struggle to afford consumers with a huge experience whereas enjoying immense food. Chipotle’s prosperity certainly starts with high-level management as it progresses to increase activities whereas sustaining that every restaurant provides similar experience and food quality as the other. The organization’s mission, â€Å"Food With Integrity†has been applied nearly religiously through the chain; and it really does struggle to prepare food for consumers that has quality constituents. Provided a firm concentration and commitment from the top to providing a value item to its customers, Chipotle has enjoyed huge prosperity in the past decades. However, applying inventive approaches will more permit the organization to increase and extend its development (DeCenzo & Stephen, 2007, 414). In establishing the strategy for the coming strategic goals and proposals, Chipotle will require to sustain the present central values including the extension of recent approaches. It is significant for the organization to determine the main approaches and values that enabled the company prosperity and tries to establish upon them. Despite that, Chipotle has not originally communicated its values through means of mainstream channel of communication; it does sufficiently communicate key values concerning the organization’s triple base line. These principles are communicated in the Chipotle reports to investors and include: The company concentrates on attempting to look for the greatest quality components they can to prepare immense tasting food; on employing and holding top performing individuals to make sure that the restaurant expertise offered is outstanding. Further, the company focuses on establishing restaurants that are functionally effective and aesthetically entertaining; and on acting all of this with rising sensitivity and este em for the atmosphere. The organization applies high-quality raw components, standard cooking techniques, and a differentiated internal design and has sociable individuals to watch out for all consumer-characteristics that are further regularly present in the sphere of excellent dining. The goal of the company is to look for the greatest quality components that they can. Components that are planted or raised with esteem for the atmosphere, beasts, and individuals who plant or bring up the food. As section of their â€Å"Food With Integrity†approach, they think that applying fresh components is not sufficient, therefore they utilize time on farms and in the area to know where our components come from and the way the beasts are raised. Chipotle’s objective is to generate the highest quality item coupled with the greatest quality components, as well as being sociable to the atmosphere and to the beasts that it uses. This has enabled the organization to develop and increa se in wonderful ways. All this factors being put in place, the organization should continue struggling to evolve for it to maintain competitiveness and its limit over competitors. Whereas taking into account such precedences, the organization has established methods that the institution should follow for the coming five decades. These methods relate particularly to market growth, market penetration, and unique commodity development while looking out for probable unique markets as well as â€Å"blue oceans†. These methods will as well assist simplify Chipotle into
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cloud computing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cloud computing - Assignment Example Without a doubt, the worldwide economic downturn forced the business organizations to reevaluate their business strategies and models from start till end. In this scenario, the business organizations spent a lot of time and resources in assessing their IT infrastructures and they considered cloud computing as a conceivable substitute to the traditional IT infrastructures. One of the most important advantages of cloud computing is that it allows the business organizations to convert fixed price mode (such as cost of ownership, servers, employee salaries , servers and additional expenses) to flexible price mode. On the other hand, with traditional IT models the organizations had to pay heavy charges all the time, whether they make extensive use of information technology or not. In fact, they had to pay higher prices for the time when IT was not used such as holidays. So there was always a fixed cost associated with traditional IT models. On the other hand, cloud computing is both scala ble and flex ible. In addition, it allows business organizations to buy only what they need, and pay for only those services which are used (Cooke, 2010). At the present, the majority of business organizations are adopting cloud computing technology for the effective management of their business activities. In fact, the implementations of cloud computing can be seen in all the fields such as business, finance, education, defense and so on. I have chosen a case study where an Oil and Gas industry shifted its IT systems from an internal data center to Amazon EC2. The basic objective for the selection of cloud computing technology was to reduce IT costs up to 37%in the next five years, and eliminating more than 21% support calls regarding their IT system. The company is basically a UK based firm that is currently operating in the Middle East. The results of this case study demonstrated that cloud computing can be an
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
External and Internal Environmental Analysis of Caribou Coffee Essay
External and Internal Environmental Analysis of Caribou Coffee - Essay Example fee followed the rules and regulations of American government in an efficient way, the introduction of disabilities act affected the functioning of the organization to a considerable extent. This was owing to the fact that after the introduction of this law, the management of Caribou Coffee had to offer uniform wages to all of its employees irrespective of any disability, which enhanced the total operating revenue (Scribd, n.d.). However, it also assisted the organization to minimize discrimination within its workplace and maintain uniformity. Besides, introduction of licensing helped Caribou Coffee to maintain safety and security within the functions of the organization, resulting in the overall augmentation of its corporate image and distinctiveness among other competitors in the beverage segment (Caribou Coffee Company, n.d.). Due to the recent inflation that occurred in the US, the income rates and living standards of the citizens declined to a considerable extent leading to the lowering of buying behavior of the customers. As a result, the total sales of Caribou Coffee reduced by 0.2 million to 63 million, resulting in the decline in its profitability and productivity by a significant extent (Scribd, n.d.). The society of America is highly passionate about coffee not only in the social gatherings but also in professional discussions. The prime aspect behind this is to enhance the friendliness and affection within the co-members of the group. Coffee is not only regarded as a stimulator in the American society, but is often considered to be a cause of gathering to revitalize long term relationship (Scribd, n.d.). This reason can further be regarded as a vital motivating factor for organizations including Caribou Coffee for creating their mission towards offering a refreshing coffee to the American population (Caribou Coffee Company, 2012). Modernization has apparently led to the introduction of varied types of inventive equipments and technologies within the
Monday, October 28, 2019
The History Of Bitumen Engineering Essay
The History Of Bitumen Engineering Essay Bitumen is described as mankinds oldest engineering material. This fact is supported by some evidence. Back at the time, nearly 3000 years BC, the Sumerians in Mesopotamia used bitumen to fasten ivory or pearl into the eye sockets of their statues. They also sculptured votive offerings which the mixture of their sculpture is originally from bitumen and clay. From the finding, it is proven that some thousand years later, bitumen was being used by the early Babylonians as a building material because of its properties as a cement and water proofing agent. Later, bitumen became the standard material and being used in civil engineering and architectural projects to hold bricks and stones together which used to line drains, watercourses and grain storage. It was also being used to create damp courses and seal the flat roofs of the houses in the same way as it is used today. It is also important in paving (, 21 Dec 2010). Other Evidence found that, about 600 BC King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon rebuilt the city wall, which he intends to restrain the water of the Euphrates with burnt bricks and bitumen because the old wall which is made of dried clay bricks had failed to keep the waters at the bay. The Babylonians had developed a technique using layer of bricks, bitumen and clay which they reinforced with reed for construction purposes. The system was so successful whereas they were able to build towers up to twelve storeys high. The evidence is proven when archeologists excavating the site of the ancient city and they found traces that bitumen had been used for the construction of the building. Instead of using bitumen for construction, the reason why bitumen was widely used in this area was its availability in various forms. It can be found in certain places where we can find it easily. It was also available as a solid material in the form of bituminous limestone, which was used as the basis for small carvings. Because of its availability, bitumen has taken parts in many great legends of Biblical and pre-Biblical times. It is said that, bitumen has being used in the building of the Tower of Babel and for the waterproofing of Noahs Ark and Moses wicker basket (Zayn Bilkadi, Dec 1984). The Romans used bitumen for medicinal purposes whereas they use bitumen for preventing and curing a number of ailments including boils, toothache and ringworm. Meanwhile, Roman ladies used bitumen for cosmetic purposes whereas they used bitumen as a means of beautifying their eyebrows. Bitumen also was being used for maritime usage whereas Christopher Columbus and Sir Walter Raleigh found that the lakes of asphalt in Trinidad are useful for re-caulking their ships for the return voyage. Apart from maritime usage, bitumen was used mainly for medicinal, cosmetic and crop protection purposes. On the other hand, the German metallurgist Georg Agricola was writing in the early part of the sixteenth century that Bitumen is produced from mineral waters containing oil, also from liquid bitumen and from rocks containing bitumen. Liquid bitumen sometimes floats in large quantities on the surface of wells, brooks and rivers and is collected with buckets or other pots. Small quantities are collected by means of feathers, linen towels and the like. The bitumen easily adheres to these objects and is collected in big copper or iron vessels and the lighter fractions evaporated by heating. The residual oil is used for different purposes and some people mix it with pitch, others with used axle oil to make it thicker. On the other hand, the entry for bitumen in Blounts Glossary published in 1656 defined it as a kind of clay or slime naturally clammy, like pitch, growing in some countries of Asia. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the usage of bitumen for the road construction is to solve the problem of the dust raised by the horse-drawn traffic in towns. The availability of supply of tar from local coal-gas works led to the use of tar for treating streets and pavements. They started to realize the important of streets and road which would lead to the unimagined standard of smoothness and durability for the elements needed for their creation in the future. Rock asphalt and the Trinidad Lake were the sources of bitumen first used to bind mixtures of aggregates in road building in the modern style. (Asphalt Origin,) Nowadays, a small scale of high quality bitumen can be exploited from petroleum which is a readily available source of low cost. The production of bitumen grew with the rise of the motorcar and the universal demand for paved highways. The proportion of bitumen which is resulted from petroleum refining whereas lead that today most bitumen sources is from the distillation of crude petroleum oil. (BP , 2010). 2.2 Bitumen Bitumen is a versatile material that is widely used in civil engineering. Bitumen is a mixture of organic liquid that are black, oily, highly viscous that is a naturally occurring organic product by product of decomposed organic materials. This basically consists of hydrocarbons ,carbon hydrogen the rest becomes oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and trace the various metals such as nickel, vanadium, lead, chromium, mercury and also arsenic, selenium and other toxic elements. Bitumen can provide good preservation of plants and animal fossils. Bitumen and asphalt is two different things. In American asphalt used to mean bitumen but outside American asphalt refers to the mixture of bitumen and aggregate laid as a road surface. H:TOPEKBitumen Definition_filesBitumenInBeaker2.gif Figure 2.1: Bitumen 2.3 Sources of bitumen Bitumen can be derived from different type of sources. It occurs naturally, but for most occasions, the world relies on petroleum for the supplies of bitumen. The bitumen consists of crude petroleum oil that normally varies between 25% and 40%, but content of crude oil can vary between 15% and 80% (BP 2010). There are three categorization for crude oil bitumen that is bitumen based, paraffin based or bitumen and paraffin based. Bitumen present in the form of colloidal dispersion or in a true solution based on the type of crude petroleum oil. In the refining process, the proportion of oil to bitumen particles changes because of petroleum oil is taken away by distillation. Relatively in few numbers, this particle become closer to one another and their size increase when it is dispersed. At the time the distillation process stopped, the petroleum becomes a colloidal dispersion of black solid known as asphaltenes. This asphaltenes are dispersed in an oily brown yellow liquid, known as the maltenes fraction. It also react as a stabilizing agent to keep the asphaltenes in suspension are another group of hydrocarbon known as resins. Normally bitumen is found in a few forms, from the hard, easily crumbled bitumen in rock asphalt to the softer, more viscous material found in tar sands and so-called asphalt lakes. It is normally consist of varying proportions of mineral and vegetable impurities that need to be extracted before in can be used as engineering material. Bitumen also can be found as asphaltite. It is natural bitumen without an impurity that varies in the amount the asphaltite can be dissolve in carbon disulphide. Natural petroleum like bitumen naturally occurs as the result from the special decompositions of marine debris. After thousands of years it has been move through porous rock such as limestone and sandstone often by volcanic action. In certain areas notable for their petroleum resources, like in the Middle East, semi fluid bitumen can be found oozing out of fissures near hot spring or seeping out of the ground. Rock asphalt, it is more costly to move around and to process. This is because its variable and relative low content of bitumen and tends to be found away from the places where bitumen needed. It is important to distinguish between bitumen and coal tar. Even though coal tar is black and viscous like bitumen, it is obtained from the carbonization of coal that why it is very different chemical properties. Many part of the world in engineering project, from the construction of transcontinental highways to the waterproofing of flat roof surfaces, depending on the specific nature of asphalt. Petroleum crude oil processed by the industry to provide all but a small part of this material is important.(BP, 2010) 2.4 Manufacturing process Manufacturing of bitumen consist of three processes which is refinery process, storage and distribution. 2.4.1 Refinery process In oil refinery process, the crude oil is divided into different groups based on their boiling range. The first stage of refinery process is atmospheric distillation. In this process the crude oil is heated about 3000 C to 3500 C and the more volatile components in the crude oil such as petrol and kerosene are distilled off. Residue from this process called atmosphere residue, which is need further distilled under vacuum. Because of the applied vacuum, the effective distillation point is 5000 C 5600 C. this vacuum distillation process produce more volatile products called as vacuum distillates and leaves vacuum residue which is a non volatile residue of high viscosity. Based on the crude oil origin, the vacuum residue can be used directly as bitumen and for some cases of crude oil it needs additional process to meet certain specification such as air blowing of the residue. To ensure consistent product, the air blowing needs careful selection and control of process temperature, air rate and residence time. In other hand bitumen are produced by blending vacuum residue with asphaltenes which is derived from the production of lubricating oils. The selection of crude is the most important element of bitumen manufacture because it is required expertise and experience to yield a satisfactory product. 2.4.2 Storage Large permanent tank made of mild steel plate use to stored bitumen at refineries with capacities of between 100 and 10000 tones. To make sure the bitumen remain fluid, steam or hot oil is pumped during heating oils in the heavily insulated tanks. 2.4.3 Distribution To make sure the bitumen not cool and unworkable the product must be kept between 150 °C-190 °C throughout the supply chain. The temperature of bitumen can fall about 7oC to 10oC when it is loaded into a road tanker and it will continue to fall further while in transit. Most of the bitumen will be transferred from the refineries using the road tankers with capacities of 10 to 40 tones. The road tanker is insulated by single-compartment tanks, normally with some kind of heating such as heating tubes. Insulated rail cars are sometimes used to transport bitumen to intermediary depots with reheating facilities. 2.5 Properties of Bitumen Bitumen is a durable and strong adhesive use as a binder in many applications with other material without affecting their properties. Its durability is important to major engineering part such as road and water ways. Bitumen is insoluble in water and can be used as an effective water proofing sealant. Bitumen can be used to line watercourses because it resist and do not react with acid, alkalis, salt and does not contaminate water. Bitumen is soften and thermoplastic material. Bitumen becomes liquid when heated and hardens when it cools. Bitumen can used easily in the area where its need to used because it can readily be liquefied by one of three methods thats applying heat, dissolving it in petroleum solvents or dispersing it in water (emulsification). Total production of bitumen is larger use in road construction. This is because bitumen gives flexibility to the mixed mineral aggregates that been used in road construction. It is available with economic cost all around the world. 2.6 Types of Bitumen There are several types of the bitumen below based on BP bitumen 2010: 2.6.1 Paving grade bitumen This type of bitumen considered as a parent bitumen of the other form of bitumen produced below. It is refined and blended to fulfill the industrial and road engineering specification that considered different climate condition. 2.6.2 Cutback bitumen This type of bitumen has lower viscosity than other types of bitumen. This bitumen has been diluted in order to make it more flow able and suitable for application. Cutback bitumen mostly is used for cold weather bituminous, road construction and maintenance. In cutback bitumen suitable solvent is used to lower the viscosity of the bitumen. Fluidity of bitumen depends on the proportion of solvent and degree of hardness of the bitumen base. Cutback bitumen classified based to the time it takes to become solid, as rapid curing (RC), medium curing (MC) or slow curing (SC). RC is recommended for surface dressing and patchwork. MC is recommended for premix with less quantity of fine aggregates. SC is used for premix with appreciable quantity of fine aggregates. The solvent used for preparation of cutback of bitumen are white spirit commonly used for RC grades, kerosene for MC grades and diesel for SC grades. In view of the environment, health and safety cutback bitumen cause a problem because the solvent used evaporates and currently the evaporation is regarded as a potentially undesirable characteristic. 2.6.3 Bitumen emulsions Frequently the bitumen that been applied to mineral aggregates substrates in road construction is in the form called bitumen emulsion. Bitumen emulsions are the dispersion of bitumen in an aqueous continuous condition and been stabilized by the addition of emulsifier. Bitumen emulsions are the ideal binder can be used in hill road construction which the process of heating the bitumen or aggregates are not easy in that area. Rapid setting emulsions usually used for surface dressing work, Medium setting emulsions use for premix jobs and patch repairs work and slow setting emulsions are ideal use during rainy season. Around 60% of bitumen content in the emulsion and the left over is water (Tom V. Mathew and K V Krishna Rao, 2007). During the road construction, these emulsions will breaks down resulting in released of water and the mix will starts to set. Grade of bitumen affect the time of setting. Bitumen emulsion is ideal for used in road construction because it have low viscosity and workable in ambient temperatures. But to apply this bitumen in road making process, it requires controlled breaking and setting. Bitumen should not break before it is laid on the surface of road but, once it placed, it should break quickly. This implies that the road can be in service without delay. 2.6.4 Modified bitumen Modified bitumen is bitumen treated with modifiers. Certain additives added as bitumen modifiers to improve the service performance by changing such properties as their durability and hardness. Natural rubber, polymer and thermoplastic are commonly used to modify bitumen. This is an exciting development of growing importance due to the ability of modem technology to satisfy the demands of the bitumen and international market. Modified bitumen will contribute towards a longer road life and lower cost maintenance. 2.6.5 Multi-grade Bitumen This type of bitumen is chemically modified bitumen. It has multi properties that are properties of hard paving bitumen at high service temperature with the properties of soft paving grades bitumen at low temperature. Multi-grade bitumen gives improvement in resistance to deformation 2.6.6 Industrial bitumen Industrial bitumen also known as oxidized bitumen. This bitumen is made by blowing air through hot paving grade bitumen called blowing process. The result from blowing process is a product that softens bitumen at higher temperature than provide by paving grade bitumen softens. It also has rubberlike properties and its viscosity is less affected by changes in temperature than is the case with paving grade bitumen. 2.7 Requirement of Bitumen The some requirement properties of bitumen depend on the mix type and construction. In general, Bitumen should fulfill the following properties: (Prof. Tom V. Mathew, 2009) The bitumen should not be highly temperature susceptible: during the hottest weather the mix should not become too soft or unstable, and during cold weather the mix should not become too brittle causing cracks. The viscosity of the bitumen at the time of mixing and compaction should be adequate. This can be achieved by use of cutbacks or emulsions of suitable grades or by heating the bitumen and aggregates prior to mixing. There should be adequate affinity and adhesion between the bitumen and aggregates used in the mix. 2.8 Modification of bitumen Many studies have been conducted in order to improve the performance of bitumen used in road pavement by modified bitumen with other material. Additional materials such as rubber, polymer and epoxy resin have been used as modifier in bitumen in the previous research. This study stresses on the usage of fly ash as an additive in bitumen. 2.9 Coal combustion products Fly ash is one of the coal combustion residues. Coal combustion residuals are formed during coal-burning processes in power plants. Coal combustion product consists of several materials: (R. Majko, 1996). 2.9.1 Fly ash Fly ash is the fines ash of coal ash particles from combustion of coal. It is called fly ash because it is transported from combustion chamber by exhaust gases. Fly ash is a fine powder produce from the mineral contain in coal. It also consists of noncombustible mater in coal and a small amount of carbon thats remains because of incomplete combustion. Fly ash is usually light tan in color. It is commonly consists of silt sized and clay sized glassy spheres which is gives fly ash a consistency somewhat like talcum powder. The property of the fly ash varies based on coal composition used and plant operating system. Figure 2.2: fly ash 2.9.2 Bottom ash Bottom ash and fly ash is two different materials in physical, mineralogical and chemical. Bottom ash is a coarse, granular, and incombustible material which is collected from the bottom of furnaces of combustion of coal in generation of electricity. Different with fly ash, bottom ash coarser than fly ash with grain sizes spanning from fine sand to fine gravel. The type of the bottom ash depends on type of furnaces used to burn a coal. Figure 2.3: bottom ash 2.9.3 BOILER SLAG Boiler slag is normally a black granular material with numerous engineering uses. It is formed in cyclone boilers which form a molten ash thats cooled with water. Boiler slag is coarser than fly ash. Figure 2.4:boiler slag 2.9.4 FGD GYPSUM Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum is also can be defined as scrubber gypsum. FGD gypsum is the product from an air pollution control system which is removes sulfur from the flue gas in calcium based scrubbing systems. It is composed of calcium sulfate and produced by employing forced oxidation in the scrubber. FGD gypsum is most usually used for agricultural activity and for wallboard production. Figure 2.5: FGD gypsum 2.10 Production of fly ash Fly ash normally produced from burning of coal for power generation. Normally coal is pulverized and blown with air into the combustion chamber. In this part the coal will be ignites, generating heat and producing a molten residue. Then the boiler tubes will extract heat from the boiler and then cool the gas in the chimney. This make the residue from the combustion of coal harden and produce ash known as coal combustion products. The coarse ash kwon as bottom ash and it will fall at the bottom of coal furnaces. In the other hand, the light ash will the light ash will remain suspended in the flue gas and will be collected by electrostatic precipitators, baghouses, or mechanical collection devices such as cyclones. C:Documents and Settingsto_pekDesktopproduction of fly ash.gif Figure 2.6: production of fly ash (ACAA, 1997) 2.11 Utilization and benefit of fly ash Fly ash have been used many part of the engineering application around the world. The table below shows the utilization of fly ash in the engineering part. (Fly ash facts for highway engineers, 2003). Application Benefit used in Portland cement concrete (PCC) -improved workability -decrease water demand -reduced bleeding -improved durability used in stabilized base course -provide a strong and durable mixture -lower cost -suitable for using recycled base material -increased energy efficiency used in flowable fill -allows placement under freezing conditions -reach 100% density with no compactive effort -increase soil bearing capacity -increase the speed and ease of backfilling operations Used in soil improvement -eliminates need for expensive materials -expedites construction works by improving unstable subgrade By improve subgrade conditions, cost saving through reduction in required pavement thickness. Used in asphalt pavement -reduce potential of asphalt stripping due to hydrophobic properties of fly ash -reduce stripping because fly ash consist of lime -a lower cost than other filler Used in grouts for pavement subsealing -develop high ultimate strength -accomplished quickly with minimum effect to the traffic flow. -used to correct undermining without 2.12 Type of fly ash Fly ash is collected use electrostatic precipitators or bag houses and then transferred to large silos for shipment. Fly ash divided base on precise particle size requirement, thus assuring a uniform and quality of product. There are 2 different type of fly ash from combustion of coal in large power plant which is class C and class F. 2.12.1 Class C Class C fly ash is produced usually from lignite and sub-bituminous coals and normally contains significant amount of Calcium Hydroxide (CaO) or lime (Cockrell et. al., 1970). Fly ash class C will harden when exposure to the water. Class C normally contains more than 15% of lime and can reach until 30% of the composition (Dr. Kamar Shah Ariffin, 2007). Higher of CaO in class C fly ash make it more special with self hardening characteristic. This is because calcium is a good adhesive agent. The existence of pozzolan properties in the fly ash class c make it different from fly ash class F. 2.12.2 Class F Class F fly ash is produced from bituminous coals and burning anthracite .Class F is normally contains greater combination of silica, alumina and iron about 70% of the composition but low in lime content usually under about 15% of the composition (Dr. Kamar Shah Ariffin, 2007). This fly ash has Siliceous and aluminous material, which itself possesses little or no cementitious value but in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically react with Calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperature to form cementitious compounds (Chu et. al., 1993). 2.13 Characteristic of fly ash 2.13.1 Size and shape Fly ash consist of powdery and fine particle that are in spherical shape, either in solid or hollow and mostly glassy in nature. The carbonaceous in fly ash consist of angular particles. The particle size distribution of bituminous coal fly ashes is usually similar to the silt which is less than a 0.075 mm or No. 200 sieve. Sub bituminous coal fly ashes are similar to the silt size and it is slightly coarser than bituminous coal fly ashes. A coarser particle can result in a less reactive ash and could contain higher carbon contents. Figure 2.7: Fly ash particles at 2,000x magnification 2.13.2 Color By depending on the amount of unburned carbon in the ash, the color of fly ash can be found and vary from tan to gray to black. If the fly ash contains low carbon, the color will be lighter. Lignite or sub bituminous fly ashes are typically light tan to buff in color, representing relatively low quantities of carbon in addition to the presence of some lime or calcium. However, bituminous fly ashes are usually some shade of gray, with the lighter shades of gray generally indicating a higher quality of ash.  Figure 2.8: typical fly ash colors 2.13.3 Specific gravity The specific gravity of fly ash is generally varies between 2.1to 3.0 whereas the specific surface area are varies in range from 170 to 1000 m2/kg that been measured by the Blaine air permeability method. 2.13.4 Loss of ignition Loss of ignition is a measured of remaining unburned carbon in a coal. It is a critical property of fly ash need to be measured, especially for concrete applications. High carbon levels, the type of carbon, the interaction of soluble ions in fly ash, and the variability of carbon content can cause air entrainment problem in fresh concrete and can affect the durability of the concrete. In some application of fly ash are not affected by the loss of ignition such as filler in asphalt and flowable fill can accept fly ash with high content of carbon. 2.13.4 Chemistry Chemical compositions of the coal mainly affect the chemical constituents of fly ash. Depending on the coal combustion technology used, the fly ash can be significantly different even though they are produced from the same source and similar chemical composition. Therefore the ash hydration properties with the leaching characteristic can vary a lot between generating facilities. The combustion and glassification process used at certain power plant will affect the quantity of crystalline material versus glassy phase material because these two substances were depends on these two process. When the maximum temperature of the combustion process is above approximately 12000 C and the cooling time is short, the ash produced is mostly glassy phase material (McCarthy et. al., 1987). Crystalline phase calcium compounds are formed where boiler design or operation allows an extra gradual cooling of the ash particles. The factors that affect the hydration and leaching properties of fly ash such as the relative proportion of the spherical glassy phase and crystalline materials, the size distribution of the ash, the chemical nature of glass phase, the type of crystalline material, the nature and the percentage of unburned carbon (Roy, 1985). Generally, the most important factors that influenced the mineralogy of coal fly ash are (Baker, 1987): Chemical composition of the coal Coal combustion process including coal pulverization, combustion, flue gas clean up, and fly ash collection operations Additives used, including oil additives for flame stabilization and corrosion control additives. The minerals present in the coal dictates the elemental composition of the fly ash. The boiler design and operation dictated the mineralogy of the ash. 2.13.5 Chemical Requirements for Fly Ash Classification (Dr. Kamar Shah Ariffin, 2007) Properties Fly Ash Class Class F Class C Silicon dioxide (SiO2) plus aluminum oxide (Al2O3) plus iron oxide (Fe2O3), min, % 70.0 50.0 Sulfur trioxide (SO3), max, % 5.0 5.0 Moisture Content, max, % 3.0 3.0 Loss on ignition, max, % 6.0 6.0
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